Wednesday, November 25, 2009

self proclaimed prophecy.

we all have a imagery in our heads,
of the perfect person,
idealistic minds want to know,
what that perfect person would be,
self proclaimed prophecy,
a phrase used to describe this abstract type thinking,
a one liner destined to open up the gates of proclamation.

a perfect person replicates what we want out of a person,
because we are lackin somethin within ourselves,
to make ourselves as a whole individuals,
therefore we rely on a visualization that we infact,
will find our perfect person,
but let me break down a perfect person in detailed description,

a perfect person is a higher bein other than ourselves,
Jesus was the closest thing to a perfect soulmate,
because in fact he did no wrong,
he saved the entire race of sin and destruction,
are we lookin for a "Jesus" to fill our voids?
or are we lookin for a individual to set us free of our flaws and pains,
a common interest between two people,
a person to equal out the bad or good in us,

there is no such thing as a perfect companion,
if you believed that,
im here to tell you otherwise,
you can achieve something close to it,
but perfection is never a guarantee,
ever heard of the clique,
be careful what you wish for?
i honestly know what that means now,
i wished for someone who would take me away from despair,
would love me despite my flaws,
would understand what it meant to love a woman the way another woman should,
someone who knew what it meant to cater to her and her needs,
i found that person,
and i have exited that person out of my life with that same breathe i spoke,
she gave me everything i wanted and more,
but now i wish she never came into my life,
cuz if she didnt,
i wouldnt have hurt when i said goodbye.

life holds no favorites,
so with that bein said,
marinate that,
and im slowly exiting off the stage.

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